Monday, 15 August 2011

Why Being Unique And Relevant Will Help Your SEO Campaign

Why Being Unique And Relevant Will Help Your SEO Campaign

By Nick Cobb

In the next couple minutes, I'm going to walk you through two hugely powerful and very effective content strategies that every SEO copywriter must know in order to be successful.
Let's begin...
One of the major components of a search engine optimized website is its content. Visitors to your site (as well as the search engine spiders that crawl through your web pages) are mostly interested in one thing only - the words on your site. So if the content on your page does not match (or relate to) the keyword you're targeting, all of your efforts will be in vain.
As an SEO copywriter your task is to create unique, highly relevant content of outstanding quality for your clients. And this brings us to that all-important question...
How do you craft articles that are SE optimized?
Well, first off, they've got to be 100% unique. Keep in mind that the information published on your website is going to be read by humans as well as the search engines. And in order for you to rank well for your target keywords, it needs to be considered unique by both of these parties.
If your content is top notch, engaging and offers value to the readers, it is bound to attract more visitors to your site. What's more, plenty of other sites in your niche will consider you as an expert on the subject and won't have any hesitation in linking back to you or recommending you as a resource to their audience... which in turn, will mean more publicity for you and an overall boost in your profits!
Additionally, once the search engines index these contextual backlinks, they'll reward you by propelling your website up the rankings.
Tip: A quick and easy method of obtaining valuable backlinks is to write an interesting blog post/article and then allow people to freely circulate it, provided of course, they credit you as the author and publish/share your articles with your links intact.
Now, the next point an SEO copywriter has got to remember when creating a search engine optimized piece is this - relevance.
One of the major factors search engines take into account when it comes to calculating your ranking is how relevant your website is to the keyword phrase that's being typed in. Relevancy is generally measured by the density of the prominent keywords and where they are located on your page. As you may know, in addition to featuring frequently within the content itself, the main keyword you're targeting should ideally appear at least once in the URL, title tag, meta tags, headings and sub-headings. Furthermore, because relevance plays a major part in determining your ranking, the information displayed on your site should be highly focused on your niche topic.
Having said that, you want to make sure that you don't make the mistake of 'keyword stuffing' your page. What this means is that you've got to take care not to go overboard in including your target keyword in your content. For example, let's say you wish to rank well for the phrase "London Olympics 2012." Here's an example of a keyword stuffed paragraph...
'Welcome to our site on the London Olympics 2012. The London Olympics 2012 is set to be a grand event. Many famous athletes will be participating in the London Olympics 2012. You too can come watch the London Olympics 2012.'
Content written in this manner will not get you ranked high in the search results; instead, it can lead you to being sandboxed, or worse, completely de-listed, for spam. You see, there's usually a limit on the number of times you can insert your keyword, hence the emphasis on maintaining a decent keyword density. While the above example is tightly focused on the target keyword 'London Olympics 2012,' it certainly doesn't make for easy reading.
It also doesn't contribute any value to the reader whatsoever. Once the search engines spot this (and they have an uncanny ability to quickly get rid of spam), they'll ensure your website is nowhere near the top results for the term you're going after.
So while SE-friendly content does need to be relevant and rich in keywords, don't forget that humans will be reading it as well, so your target phrases must come up naturally within the article. All in all, the essential element to a high ranking lies in maintaining a balance between an acceptable percentage of keyword density and a fairly decent level of readability.
Nick Cobb is an SEO copywriter and online marketing consultant. His website; My Freelance Copywriter provides a wide range of copywriting services to domestic and international businesses, both large and small.

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