Monday, 15 August 2011

SEO Expert - 5 Steps To On-Page Optimization

SEO Expert - 5 Steps To On-Page Optimization

By David Gruinn

Normally people focus very less on on-page SEO Techniques. They think that the page (which is to be ranked) should have the keyword in title, description and 4-5 mentions in the body and the on-page SEO is done. I won't go as far as saying that they are wrong, but this setup is partial and there is more to on-page optimization before you begin your link-building campaigns. Here i will write about 5 most-important on-page characteristics to be fulfilled before commencing backlink building.
1) Title Tag - According to various search engine optimization experts, title tag is the most important feature and basically tells the search engine what your page is all about in 6-7 words. For example if you are writing about "car rental plans" your title can be "car rental plans - effective and affordable" or "car rental services - plans for all pockets" etc. Few things to note about title is that it should have your main keyword in it and the keyword should be placed in the very beginning if possible. Following your main keyword can be your synonym keywords which together make a LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) Content.
2) Page Description - While searching anything in Google or Yahoo you may have noticed that along-with title it also shows 2-3 lines of description of that page. This description is not auto-generated and has t be supplied by you. Now when creating a description you have to think of 2 contradicting statements. A description (if catchy) can get you potential customers from even below-page rankings (4 or down). Whereas to get good rankings you should have your main keyword in your description and few synonyms where, again, the main keyword should take first spot. Also if possible try and mention your main keyword 2 times but do not spam. It might get your site in trouble.
3) Keywords - Keywords are like categories for your site. Consider each keyword as a category (parent or child) in search engine algo. For eg: "car rental plans" can be a different category than "car rental agencies" but both will fall under the parent tag of "car rental" which will fall under the main category of "Cars". When mentioning keywords you mention all possible child categories which are related to your main keyword without spamming. For eg: for above case your keywords can be "car rental plans, car rental schemes, car rental agencies, car rental shops/companies etc" and not "car, vehicle, car insurance etc.".
4) Header Tags - Header tags are nothing but the sub-titles which you write using H1 and H2 format. For eg: In this article you see many bold tags. If this article would have been written on a normal web-page, I would have used H2 format instead of simple bold tag. Header tags tell search engines about the relativity of your content to your keyword and title. Try to use the keywords in header tags as well.
5) Image Tag - Its generally not very important but always stay one-step ahead of your competitors. A page with images and alt-tags will rank higher than the one without images (considering everything else is similar). When inserting images make sure that you name the file with keywords and synonyms. For eg: For a "car rental company" when you put your company's photo don't call it by company name. Instead name the picture file as car-rental-company.jpg. Also insert a proper description and alt-tag (inclusive of keywords) for each photo.
If you follow these basic steps, then with only 2-3 bookmarks you will be able to see a good pre-link building boost in your rankings.
If these things sound too much to handle by yourself, then you should approach an expert to get your website properly optimized for high rankings. You can visit the website of an SEO Expert. Please do not give your site to self-acclaimed SEO Gurus as this may get you and your business in trouble. Always trust an expert..

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