Monday, 15 August 2011

5 Places Your Keywords Must Hang Out

5 Places Your Keywords Must Hang Out

By Cheow Yu Yuan

When you're a young up-and-comer in Hollywood you learn that there are top spots you must hang out to get the attention you crave. Similarly, when you are doing basic SEO on a website there are five places that your keywords must hang out to get the attention you want them to receive. Your human visitors won't care much where your keywords are placed, but the search engines care and they are the ones bringing in those human visitors.
Before you even begin constructing your website, your mind should be on SEO. Your top keyword must appear in the URL somewhere. The top keyword for the entire site overall should be reflected in the main URL, but you should slip in keywords that are central to specific pages within the site when naming those respective pages.
Title Tag
Take your most important keywords and make sure they appear in the title tag. More specifically, make sure they appear as early on in this tag as possible. Not only does this tag help the search engines understand what the web page is about, but it will help human viewers know what the page is about. When your web page gets listed in the SERPs it is the text from this tag that shows up underneath your link. This one tag has the power to pull in viewers or turn them away to whatever link comes above or below yours in the SERPs.
Subtitles and headings are used to break up text on the web page so it is easier for readers to find exactly what they are looking for. The longer the page is, the more headings or subtitles you need to break it all up. Rather than making your pages easier for human readers to maneuver, these headings will tell the search engines what content you are providing on the page.
The catch here is the text under the headings has to match the keywords placed in these headings. Don't try to slip unrelated keywords in there because it simply won't be as powerful as using keywords that match the content under the heading.
Image Alt Tags
Many people skip over the alt tags for images because they know that most website viewers are not going to read them. This is a mistake because the search engines will read them and take them into consideration. Fill them out and let your keywords hang out with all of your images.
Offsite Anchor Links
Finally, make sure your keywords are given field trips off of your website so they can be even more powerful in your SEO campaign. Make your top keywords the anchor text for links back to your website. This tells the search engines that these other sites find value in your website for content directly related to that keyword.
There are other places your keywords will naturally want to hang out, but these are the hot spots they have to hit if you want them to get the attention they deserve.
Cheow Yu Yuan is the co-founder of OOm, an online marketing agency providing SEO services in Singapore.
Find out more about OOm SEO services today.
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